Meet the LUAC exec for 2023-2024:

President – Thea Moores

Hi, I’m Thea (she/her).

I’m a third year studying sociology and I’ve been shooting for about 7 years now. I’m your new president so if you have any questions about anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask :))

Safety & Equipment Officer – Alex Ward


Hello, my name is Alex

Safety & Equipment Officer – Owen Wilson

Hello, my name is Owen Wilson. Kachow.

Treasurer – Liam Wylie

J Saxon Shoot 03072022 (80)

Hello, I’m Liam,

I am a third year studying physics and your treasurer for the year. I have been shooting for 8 years so feel free to ask any questions.

Captain – Hana White


Hi, I’m Hana.

My job is to organise competitions and work with the Training and Development officer to train beginners and experienced archers.

I’ve got many years of experience with archery and coaching under my belt, so feel free to ask any archery-related questions.

Training & Development Officer – Zuzanna Dubowska

Hi! Hey, I’m Zuzanna & I’m the Training & Development Officer. I’m a Comp Sci student. Most of you should have met me during the beginner course 🙂

Secretary – Myles Hulme


Hi, I’m Myles.

I’m a mechanical engineering student. I’m currently the secretary for the society. I started archery at the beginning of the my first year here but feel free to say hello if you have any questions 🙂 .

Social & Publicity Officer – Grace Sage


Hi I’m Grace (she/her).

I’m a second year film studies student and though I’ve only been shooting for a year, I’m happy to try and answer any questions you might have or direct you to the right place. As your socials and welfare officer, feel free to come to me with any concerns or any fun ideas for club socials!

Webmaster – Artin Lee (Leea)

Hi I’m Leea.

Second year Mathematics and Statistics, minor Computer Science, PHD in skipping lessons degree. My hobbies change according to seasons so I don’t know what my hobbies are. And yes, I’m on a tree, come find me in the woodland trail if you have any questions, sports, academics, life, whatever.